
Experienced trainer with post graduate teaching qualifications (PGCE Keele University, Geology/TESL, 1984) and experience in practical and technical courses on palynology in universities and inhouse in companies, as well as the regular AASP masterclass series, and at recent AASP conferences. TESL qualification and so is particularly well qualified to train students whose first language is not English.

In person, online and inhouse training

  • Middle East Palaeozoic palynology Course

    Late Palaeozoic spore & pollen taxonomy

    Use of taxonomic keys

    Identification of key marker species

    Regional & field correlation

    Working with logs

    Palynology field & core sampling

    Sampling strategies


  • Palynology for geologists Course

    Characteristics of palynomorph groups used in resource geology, including pollen, spores, dinoflagellates, acritarchs and chitinozoans

    Palynological fingerprinting of sands and mudstone baffles and analogue outcrop palynology and sedimentology

    Palynofacies analysis to understand the origin and character of organic matter in shales

    Palynology, paleoenvironment and big earth events

    Limits and pitfalls of palynological data and analysis

Training can make a difference…

For more information on dates and costs of courses contact me on the email below